Monday, September 29, 2008

Beginning Blog

Wow, how technology has changed our lives. Not too long ago Misty and I did not text, and thought it was stupid. After an elightening conversation with one of my friends I realized that we were part of the minority. Now we have what we hope to be a continual blog that everyone can stay caught up with us.

Isn't it amazing to think back and realize all the "stuff" we didn't have 15 years ago, but now it is a necessity. What would we do if we didn't have our cell phones, internet, gps, or even the 1000 channels that we can watch (how many do we really watch??)

Last weekend I had the opportunity to go the Ryder Cup in Louisville, KY and it was totally unreal. The amount of energy in the air was unbelievable. It was definitely worth the trip and one that I will never forget.

Aden is becoming such a big boy. Tonight we were looking through pictures and did not realize how much he has grown up and Misty and I have gotten older. I guess that is what is suppose to happen.

Misty is neck deep into her schooling and is confirming her position as the family nerd.

I guess lastly I will speak to the Razorbacks. I know it will be a tough year, but you better get your licks in this year (and maybe next), but the time will come when you will fear the "Hogs". UT will lose to OU and they will continue to be a "one game short" team, as they have been for quite some time.

Until next time.............